Shaan Seet Shareholders,

Please visit to update your personal information. If you are unable to access your you can contact us at the main office at 907-826-3251 for assistance. All checks, newsletters, voting information and proxy ballots will be mailed to your last known address. Please make sure your information remains current and up to date. Thank you!

Shaan Seet is offering a $50 Dollar Testamentary Disposition Incentive to all Shareholders. Your Testamentary Disposition acts like a Will, specifically for your Shaan Seet Shares, and provides a legal record of where you would like your shares transferred when you pass away. Call the office today to see if you have yours on file!

Board of Directors

Chairperson – Adrian B. LeCornu
Vice-Chairperson – Virginia Lawnicki
President – Martha Wood
Vice-President – Nicole Demmert
Treasurer – Virginia Lawnicki
Corporate Secretary – Paulette A. Lingley
Board Members – Thomas G. Skultka & Andres Salazar

Shaan seet

MAIL PO Box 690 Craig, Alaska 99921
OFFICE 501 Main Street Craig, Alaska 99921

PHONE 907-826-3251
FAX 907-826-3980